What we do

How to identify emerging leaders in non-leadership roles

While succession planning is an embedded process in most large organisations, rarely is this extended beyond existing leaders. Research suggests emerging talent is generally the most at risk of leaving if not engaged in the talent planning process. Recent data from Work Institute’s Retention Report estimates that it costs as much as 33% of a […]

3 essential steps to prepare for CEO succession

It is essential for all organisations to ensure their longevity. So as CEO, one of your organisationā€™s most critical responsibilities is to consider who is going to succeed you. A survey conducted in 2019, revealed that only 35% of organisations had a formalised succession plan in place, which means there are a lot of organisations facing the […]

10 steps for success in an executive job interview

Whether youā€™re already an executive or looking toĀ jumpĀ to an executive role, there are some important steps to cover when preparing for your job interview. Knowing what to prepare is key to help you standĀ outĀ from other candidates and convey you are the best person for the role. According to Forbes Magazine, organisational thinking has shifted dramatically […]

Four effective strategies to keep psychological contracts in the workplace healthy

A lot has been said about the relationship that organisations have with their employees, even more so now in light of ā€œThe Great Resignationā€™.Ā  People are leaving organisations in greater numbers than ever before, and yet, there are organisations who donā€™t seem to be feeling the impact. Instead, they are experiencing The Great Attraction, where […]

10 potential traps to overcome in CEO succession planning

CEO succession planning is one of the most important responsibilities of a board but planning and effecting a successful CEO transition can have its complications. A global survey conducted in 2020 discovered that 56% of Australian and New Zealand companies did not have a contingency plan for CEO succession, 23% did not regularly discuss CEO […]

5 key steps to drive effective performance management

Performance management. Two words that strike dread into the hearts of leaders and employees alike. If the goal of performance management is to identify, measure and develop individual and team performance, why does it get such a bad rap?Ā  After all, that sounds like a great outcome for both employees and the organisation, right? Performance […]

5 characteristics of charismatic leaders that will motivate employees

As a leader, it is important to inspire and motivate your employees, increase their employee engagement and drive performance.Ā Adopting a charismatic style of leadership is one way to encourage your employees to stretch beyond their abilities and is often considered a powerful way to lead. Charismatic leaders are extremely influential and enjoy taking risks. They […]

5 top tips to be a hybrid-working champion

The disruptive and unprecedented nature of Covid-19 has transformed traditional work contexts and created an opportunity for flexibility and change. 2020 rapidly accelerated our understanding and adoption of remote working. It is clear now that there are a range of hybrid working environments that have begun to emerge, which require us to reimagine where and […]

Are you an authentic leader? We share our top 5 tips

Picture of some little orange people figures standing separate to a brown little person figure.

Weā€™ve all heard the idiom, ā€œjust be yourselfā€ but what does this actually mean for authentic leadership and and can being truly authentic hinder or help your ability to lead people? A study in the Leadership and Organisation Development Journal discovered that authentic leadership has a positive impact on work-related attitudes and happiness and is […]

7 strategies to transform how you manage your boss

Have you ever managed up? Itā€™s not a term we often use or a skill we usually develop but managing up or managing your boss is important and can transform your working environment. Ā  So, what exactly is managing up? According to the Harvard Business Review, managing up is being the most effective employee you […]