What we do

Unlocking the power of followership: strategies for identifying the types of followers you lead

Unlocking the power of followership: strategies for identifying the types of followers you lead

The modern leadership industry focuses heavily on understanding how great leaders operate, often highlighting topics such as power, popularity, and showmanship. However, leadership cannot exist without followers, and this is where followership comes into play. Followership describes how individuals respond to and interact with their leader and others, and cultivating followership is an essential aspect […]

Authentic Leadership: Fact or Fiction?


A lot has been said about various leadership styles ā€“ transformational, situational, charismatic, servant and authentic ā€“ and the various pros and cons of each.Ā  Some leadership experts believe that universal leadership is applicable in all situations, while others suggest that leadership behaviours, regardless of style is the best approach. So how does authentic leadership […]

Are you an authentic leader? We share our top 5 tips

Picture of some little orange people figures standing separate to a brown little person figure.

Weā€™ve all heard the idiom, ā€œjust be yourselfā€ but what does this actually mean for authentic leadership and and can being truly authentic hinder or help your ability to lead people? A study in the Leadership and Organisation Development Journal discovered that authentic leadership has a positive impact on work-related attitudes and happiness and is […]