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Making a difference: your guide to joining an NFP board

Picture of Chris Morrison
Chris Morrison
Written on the 19 June 2024

Are you passionate about making a difference in your community? Maybe you’ve considered joining a Not-For-Profit (NFP) board to amplify your impact. Before taking the plunge into NFP board directorship, it’s crucial to approach this commitment with your eyes wide open.

Entering NFP board directorship requires more than good intentions ā€“ it demands a clear understanding of your role and responsibilities. Aligning your expectations with the realities of board directorship ensures a smoother journey for both you and the organisation you’re committed to.

Let’s explore what it means to serve on an NFP board and the knowledge and insights necessary for success.

  1. Alignment with mission and values.Before stepping into a board role, take a moment to reflect on how closely the organisation’s mission and values align with your own. Consider whether their cause resonates deeply with your beliefs and passions. Think of it as finding your tribe ā€“ when your values align closely with the organisation, you’re more likely to feel a sense of purpose and dedication. This alignment isn’t just about agreeing with the mission statement; it’s about feeling genuinely committed to advancing the organisation’s objectives and making a real difference in the world.

    Also, consider how your alignment with the organisation’s mission and values can drive your actions and decisions as a Director. Your genuine commitment and dedication will inspire others and contribute to a more cohesive and effective board. By ensuring that your values are in sync with the organisation, you set the stage for meaningful collaboration and collective impact.

  2. Understanding of responsibilities.As a Director, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your roles and responsibilities. Think of it as getting to know the playbook before stepping onto the field. Take the time to familiarise yourself with the legal duties, fiduciary responsibilities, and strategic priorities that come with board directorship. Understanding these responsibilities isn’t just about ticking boxes ā€“ it’s about being equipped to make informed decisions and contribute effectively to governance.

    Also, recognise that your understanding of board responsibilities extends beyond the written duties. It’s about embracing your role as a steward of the organisation’s mission and resources, and actively engaging in strategic planning, financial oversight, and fundraising efforts. By embodying a strong sense of responsibility, you empower yourself to fulfil your duties with diligence and integrity, ultimately driving the organisation towards its goals with confidence and purpose.

  3. Time commitment.Ā Serving as a Director requires a significant investment of your time and energy. Beyond the scheduled board meetings, you’ll need to allocate time for committee work, strategic planning sessions, and other related activities. Consider the demands of your current commitments and assess whether you can fulfill the responsibilities of board directorship effectively. It’s essential to strike a balance between your board duties and other personal and professional obligations to avoid over-commitment and ensure your active participation in board activities. Remember, your commitment to the organisation’s mission extends beyond mere attendance ā€“ it’s about being fully engaged and contributing meaningfully to the collective effort.

    It’s also important to recognise the value of strategic time management in optimising your board involvement. Prioritise tasks, delegate responsibilities where appropriate, and leverage technology to streamline communication and collaboration with fellow Directors. By proactively managing your time and resources, you can maximise your impact as a Director while maintaining a healthy balance in your life.

  4. Governance structure and policies. Understanding the governance structure, by-laws, policies, and procedures of the organisation is akin to learning the ropes of a new game. Familiarising yourself with these frameworks provides you with the roadmap for effective decision-making and ensures that the organisation operates ethically and within legal boundaries. It’s like knowing the rules of the road before embarking on a journey ā€“ it helps you navigate your role as a Director with clarity and confidence. By immersing yourself in the governance framework, you can actively shape the organisation’s future while upholding its integrity and accountability.
  5. Board diversity and inclusion.Assessing the organisation’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion within the board and the broader organisation is like checking the pulse of its culture. Consider whether the board composition reflects a tapestry of perspectives, backgrounds, and expertise. Diversity isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a catalyst for robust decision-making and innovation. When Directors have diverse viewpoints, it fosters richer discussions and leads to more effective solutions. By championing diversity and inclusion, you contribute to building a stronger, more resilient organisation that truly represents the communities it serves.

  6. Expectations for board engagement.It’s crucial to clarify the expectations for your engagement as a Director right from the start. Think of it as setting the ground rules for a successful partnership. Clarify what’s expected of you in terms of meeting attendance, committee participation, and involvement in fundraising and advocacy efforts. Understanding these expectations enables you to assess your readiness and capacity to contribute effectively to the board’s work. It’s like having a sneak peek into what lies ahead ā€“ it helps you prepare mentally and ensures you’re fully aligned with the organisation’s goals and objectives. By gaining clarity on these expectations early on, you can hit the ground running and make a meaningful impact from day one.

  7. Risk management and compliance.As you contemplate the prospect of joining board directorship, it’s essential to recognise your future role in overseeing risk management and compliance efforts within the organisation. Consider this responsibility as peering into the organisation’s safety net ā€“ you’ll need to identify potential risks and develop strategies to keep operations running smoothly. Take the time to understand the organisation’s risk profile, potential challenges, and approaches for mitigating risks effectively.

    By taking a proactive stance on risk management, you contribute to the organisation’s resilience and long-term viability. Your vigilance and foresight will be invaluable as you navigate the complexities of board directorship, ensuring that the organisation remains on solid ground and stays true to its mission and values.

Embarking on a journey as an NFP board of director is a pathway to profound personal and community impact. Aligning with the mission, understanding your responsibilities, committing your time and resources, embracing governance and diversity, and managing risks are the keystones to fulfilling service. As you contemplate joining an NFP board, remember that your contribution goes beyond meetings and metrics; it’s about igniting change, fostering inclusivity, and driving the mission forward.

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Picture of Chris Morrison

Chris Morrison

Chris Morrison is the founder and Director of Meritos, an executive search and recruitment business working with purpose-driven organisations. If you're interested in connecting with Chris, you can find him on LinkedIn here. You can also reach him on 02 8000 7121 or via email at [email protected]
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